The opening lines of Footer Davis Probably Is Crazy read, “The day my mother exploded a copperhead snake with an elephant gun, I decided I was genetically destined to become a felon or a big-game hunter. That was good, since I had tried being a ballerina, poet, artist, and musician, and I sucked at all of those.”
This was actually very true in my life, both the snake-shooting (my mom really did this), and the fact that I spent a good part of my first 8 years of life trying to find something–ANYTHING–I was good at doing. I wanted to be creative and artistic. The problem was, I was awful at just about everything I tried.
I’ve always been so amazed and impressed by people who can draw, and today, I got some sketches from a young fan who gave Footer and Peavine and Angel life on art paper, and captured Footer’s attitude, too. I added some background and art credit, and got her permission (and her mom’s) to show the world.
So completely fun! Thank you, Annie. Keep reading–and keep drawing!