The opening lines of Footer Davis Probably Is Crazy read, “The day my mother exploded a copperhead snake with an elephant gun, I decided I was genetically destined to become a felon or a big-game hunter. That was good, since I had tried being a ballerina, poet, artist, and musician, and I sucked at all of those.”
This was actually very true in my life, both the snake-shooting (my mom really did this), and the fact that I spent a good part of my first 8 years of life trying to find something–ANYTHING–I was good at doing. I wanted to be creative and artistic. The problem was, I was awful at just about everything I tried.
I’ve always been so amazed and impressed by people who can draw, and today, I got some sketches from a young fan who gave Footer and Peavine and Angel life on art paper, and captured Footer’s attitude, too. I added some background and art credit, and got her permission (and her mom’s) to show the world.
So completely fun! Thank you, Annie. Keep reading–and keep drawing!
Really awesome artwork Annie! That is exactly what I imagine Footer to look like, attitude and all!
These are very creative and spot on perfect
New verbiage for awesome; Vaughtlike.
Well, there you all are!!! Pretty much as I imagined… Thank you, Susan for sharing…
When I was a kid in Pacific Beach, Ca (1940!!!) my Mom took a shovel, a shovel!!! and did in a rattlesnake that was on the backporch of our wee house. There were about 5 kids watching… Later she told me she’d never been so scared… the snake would not get off the porch.. she didn’t want to kill it, but felt she needed to protect all the kids…. hadn’t thought of this in a very long time…..